Renaissance firmly believes that parents are the primary educators of their children, and as such, the fruitfulness of the child’s experience at Renaissance depends on a vibrant collaboration between the school and the parents. To that end, we strive to share as much as we can with families about Dr. Montessori's insights into the child and his/her development throughout the planes of development, and ways to implement complementary strategies at home. We do so through a variety of means, such as Parent Education Meetings, Parent/Guide Conferences, Book clubs, Parenting clubs, and on-going invitations to observe. These events are not meant to be a burden, but an enhancement. Parent participation, while not mandatory, is highly recommended.


Parent Education

Throughout the year the school schedules Parent Education meetings to share knowledge about childhood education, the Montessori approach, curricular issues and other topics of interest raised by parents and faculty. These meetings provide insight into what goes on in the classroom, as well as into the teacher-child relationship in general. We urge both parents to attend these important meetings.


Observation Visits

Observation is the heart of the Montessori method and the best way for parents to keep connected to the classroom and what their children are experiencing. Parents are encouraged to visit and observe their child’s classroom. Please contact the office to schedule a visit.







Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for each child twice a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring. The conferences provide parents with one-on-one time with the directress or guide to discuss progress, areas for improvement, and plans for the future.